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Are Collagen Chews Better Than Rawhide?

Are Collagen Chews Better Than Rawhide?

Dog chews

Pet parents are constantly on the lookout for safe and effective ways to care for their furry companions. One common dilemma faced by many dog owners is choosing the right type of chew to prevent boredom and boost their health.

In recent years, collagen chews have gained popularity as an alternative to traditional rawhide chews.

Advocates of collagen chews argue that they offer several benefits over rawhide, but it’s important to examine the scientific evidence and consider both sides of the debate before making an informed decision about which option is best for your furry friend.

What Are Collagen Chews?

Collagen chews are dog treats made from collagen, a protein that plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of various connective tissues, such as skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Collagen comes from animal sources, often using byproducts from the meat industry.

These chews are typically manufactured through hydrolyzation, which breaks down the collagen into smaller, more easily digestible components to provide a durable and chewable treat for dogs of all sizes and breeds.

That’s why many dog parents consider collagen chews as an innovative alternative to traditional dog chews like rawhide.

How Are Collagen Chews Different from Rawhide?

Rawhide chews have been a popular choice for dogs for decades. They are derived from the inner layer of animal hides, usually beef or pork, which undergoes a drying and chemical treatment process to create a durable chewable product. These chews come in various shapes, sizes, and flavors to cater to different preferences and needs.

The fundamental difference between collagen chews and rawhide lies in their composition and processing methods. While both provide a chewing outlet for dogs, collagen chews offer a protein-rich option that utilizes natural collagen from animal tissues. Rawhide, on the contrary, goes through a more extensive manufacturing process that involves treating and drying animal hides to create the final product – and this is where the problem lies.

One of the primary concerns with traditional rawhide chews is their potential to cause digestive issues, including blockages. In some cases, dogs may swallow larger pieces of rawhide without properly breaking them down. Upon swelling in the stomach, ingested rawhide can lead to gastrointestinal distress or blockages that require medical intervention.

6 Benefits of Collagen Chews

Advocates of collagen chews highlight several benefits these treats may offer over traditional rawhide chews.

1.       Greater Nutritional Value

Collagen chews stand out for their nutritional value, ensuring dogs receive health benefits without unnecessary additives or fillers. They typically come from byproducts of the meat industry, making use of parts that might otherwise go to waste.

As these chews come from animal tissues rich in collagen, they provide a natural source of protein and offer a wholesome treat option that aligns with your furry friend’s evolutionary diet.

2.       Better Digestibility

As mentioned earlier, collagen chews promise enhanced digestibility compared to traditional rawhide chews. By breaking collagen into smaller peptides, the hydrolyzation process makes collagen chews gentler on a dog’s digestive system, reducing the risk of potential blockages or discomfort.

Also, since these chews are protein-based, they break down more efficiently during the digestive process and are easier to absorb by dogs. Rawhide, on the other hand, usually presents digestion challenges, especially for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

So, if your furry baby has a sensitive stomach or a history of digestive issues, you can trust collagen chews’ pre-digested nature to offer a safer and more comfortable treat.

3.       Improved Dental Health

Dental hygiene is a significant concern for pet parents, and both collagen chews and rawhide claim to help maintain oral health.

However, collagen chews often have a slightly softer texture than rawhide, allowing dogs to chew without the same intensity. This gentle chewing action can help clean teeth and gums, reducing plaque and tartar buildup. It also encourages saliva production, which can naturally cleanse the mouth, support gum health, and promote better breath.

All in all, collagen chews can be a valuable supplement to a dog’s oral care routine. They should not replace regular teeth cleaning, though.

4.   Support for Skin and Coat Health

Collagen is a fundamental protein in the skin’s structure. Some dog chews manufacturers claim that including collagen in dog treats can promote healthier skin and a shinier, more lustrous coat. And everybody knows how dogs with vibrant and glossy coats exude vitality and good health, right?

While there is limited scientific research specifically focused on collagen chews, the fundamental role of collagen in skin health is well-established. By providing your four-legged pal with collagen through specially formulated chews, you may notice improvements in their skin condition and fur texture.

Since collagen helps maintain skin elasticity and hydration, collagen chews can be particularly beneficial for dogs prone to dry or irritated skin.

5.   Improved Joint Health and Mobility

As dogs age, joint health becomes a significant concern. The gradual wear and tear on joints can lead to conditions like arthritis, impacting their mobility and quality of life.

Collagen is a key component of cartilage, the connective tissue that cushions and supports joints. Collagen chews are often marketed as supporting joint health by providing the building blocks necessary for cartilage repair and maintenance.

Hence, incorporating collagen chews into your dog’s diet can be a proactive measure to support joint health and keep them active and comfortable for longer.

That said, you must recognize that collagen chews are just one potential factor in a comprehensive approach to joint health for senior dogs or those with mobility issues, which should also include proper nutrition, exercise, and veterinary guidance.

6.       Increased Safety

Collagen chews are often considered safer than rawhide due to their simpler composition and minimal processing. Rawhide chews can pose a choking hazard or cause gastrointestinal blockages if a dog ingests a large piece and swallows it without proper chewing.

Collagen chews, being more digestible, are less likely to cause such issues. However, it’s still important to supervise your dog while they’re enjoying any chew to prevent potential problems.

Things to Consider When Buying Collagen Chews for Your Dog

We’ve established that collagen chews may be the right choice for your dog. Nevertheless, before you get your hands on them, you should consider a range of factors, including your dog’s individual needs, preferences, and known sensitivities.

More importantly, you must choose high-quality products specifically formulated for dogs.

Here’s what you should consider before incorporating collagen chews into your furry baby’s diet.

§  Quality and Source of the Chews

When purchasing collagen chews for your dog, opt for products made from high-quality sources. Look for chews that use natural collagen derived from reputable animal sources.

You should steer clear of products that contain additives, fillers, or artificial flavors because they might compromise the nutritional value of the chew and, ultimately, your dog’s health.

§  Size and Texture of the Chews

Some canines are gentle chewers, while others are more aggressive.

You must choose collagen chews with an appropriate size and texture that matches your dog’s chewing style to ensure they can enjoy the treat safely and comfortably.

§  Allergies and Sensitivities

Before introducing collagen chews to your dog, consider any allergies or sensitivities they may have.

If your dog has a history of allergies to specific proteins, consult your veterinarian before offering collagen chews to ensure they won’t aggravate any health issues.

§  Consult Your Vet 

It’s always a good idea to consult a veterinarian before incorporating new treats into your dog’s routine, especially if they have existing health conditions or dietary restrictions.

Your vet will provide personalized recommendations based on your dog’s health status and nutritional requirements so you can make a well-informed decision.

Treat Your Dog to Satisfying and Nutritious Collagen Chews from Pet Expertise

In the ongoing debate of collagen chews vs. rawhide, collagen chews present a promising alternative that offers nutritional benefits, ease of digestion, and dental health advantages. These chews come from natural sources and provide a safer option for dogs of all sizes and breeds compared to traditional rawhide chews.

Pet Expertise is the go-to shop for pet parents who love treating their furry babies with natural and nutrient-packed chews. We offer beef collagen sticks in three sizes: 6-inch medium, 12-inch medium, and 12-inch thick) to cater to the needs of various dogs.

Made using 100% USA BEEF, these sticks contain a wealth of goodness your dog truly deserves. The high-quality collagen not only treats your dog’s taste buds but also contributes to their dental health and offers an extended and enjoyable chewing session aligned with their natural instincts.

Rest assured that our collagen chews sticks do not contain artificial additives, offering an authentic and wholesome indulgence that perfectly complements your beloved pet’s dietary needs.

And guess what?

You can subscribe for up to 100 collagen chews per month for your furry friend and enjoy FREE delivery per your schedule!

That said, it’s important to remember that no chew is entirely risk-free, and supervision is key to ensuring your dog’s safety while enjoying any treat.

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